For the following 6 reasons, lab-created gemstones are excellent alternatives to the more expensive and hard-to-find natural gemstones in jewellery -


Because of the identical mineral make-up of a lab-created gemstone, only a trained professional can tell the difference between a natural stone and a lab-grown one.  Scientists are able to get the chemical qualities and appearances of nearly any gemstone in their labs, including Emeralds, Alexandrites, Spinels and Rubies. These stones are visibly identical to their natural version in color, hardness, composition and luster.

Natural gemstones develop inclusions from the crystallization process that involves gases and other minerals mixing in  the molten stage of the stone creation, which adversely affects the value of the gem.

Because lab-created gemstones do not have gases added in the same way that nature does, inclusions do not have a chance to form in the stones. This makes the quality of the gem higher.


Gemstones that vary from their traditional colors do occur in nature, but generally these variations are much rarer and much more expensive to use in jewellery. Lab-created gemstones provide an opportunity to procure these stones in a specified size and color. This allows jewellery designers to customize their jewellery with specific stone colors.


Mined gemstones are in a limited supply. Because the earth's process for creating gemstones involves lots of heat and pressure deep below its surface, gems are not being formed at a rapid rate. As mines continue to retrieve and sell gems quickly, the natural gemstone supply is being depleted around the world. Lab-created stones, however, are available in an unlimited supply because they can be created in a laboratory rather than inside the earth.


Gemstone mining involves a massive operation that covers a large area of what was previously natural land. These mechanical systems for retrieving gemstones destroy the natural habitats of many plants, animals and birds.  In fact, mining operation can destroy the entire ecosystems. Laboratories that create gemstones, on the other hand, work in a controlled area and use a moderate amount of resources.


Many gemstones are mined in war-torn regions. A great number of these regions are in Africa, where the profit earned from the sale of these gemstones goes to fund civil wars and renegade armed forces. Even in regions that do not have current conflicts or rebel forces, many mining operations have sub-standard working conditions that employ and over-work child laborers. Some of these operations also abuse human rights by providing unsafe and unsanitary work environments for the miners working on the gemstones. Gems created in controlled facilities are produced by trained scientists and engineers.  This ensures that children cannot work in these facilities, and these trained professionals require good working conditions to continue their jobs.


Purchasers of natural stones must pay for the process of locating the gemstones, mining the gems from deep in the earth, and carefully cutting the stones to the perfect size and shape. This process becomes very expensive, even for a small natural stone. On the other hand, customers of lab-created stones only need to pay for the laboratory process that created the stone. Rather than paying for the rarity of the stone and for the massive mining operation that retrieved the stone, buyers can simply select a stone perfect for their jewellery from the gems that have been created.