LifeGem Diamonds Limited has been incorporated under the Companies Act in India, as a Public Limited Company. The Registered office & the manufacturing facility are in Bangalore, India.

The main Promoter of the Company is Mr. I. R. Rao, who is a post-graduate in Commerce with 18 years of experience as an entrepreneur and 12 years as an industrial technology consultant. He has travelled widely across the world, to more than 25 countries in the last 15 years.

The Company offers the following products:-

1. Lab-grown gemstones
-      Alexandrite
-      Ruby
-      Emerald
-      Violet-blue Forsterite (Tanzanion)
-      Light green Forsterite (Peridot)
-      Sky-blue Chrysoberyl
-      Aquamarine Chrysoberyl
-      Red Spinel
-      Blue Spinel
-      Sky-blue Spinel

2. Lab-grown YAG (Yttrium Aluminium Garnet)

3. Lab-grown solitaire diamonds in white & other colours

4. Natural gemstones such as Ruby (both as cabochons and facets), Star Ruby; Topaz in London blue, Swiss blue & Sky blue colours

5. Healing crystals such as Ruby with Cordorite / Ruby with Kyanite, Emerald with Fuchsite, Cat’s eye, Jasper, Tiger’s eye, Pink quartz, etc.