Apart from pure white,  we offer lab-grown diamonds in colours like golden yellow, pink, purple and these colours are highly in demand. Naturally available diamonds in such colours are selling at 2 to 10 times higher prices than white diamonds.

Lab-grown Diamonds in Pink & Deep Red Colours


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Why lab-grown diamonds?

The production of natural diamonds has come down from 176 million carats in 2006 to 135 million carats in 2015. As per a report from Bain & company, the rough diamond supply will reduce to 70 million carats by 2030 and will again shrink to 14 million carats by 2050. On the other hand, the market demand for diamonds will increase to 290 million carats by 2050.

Natural diamonds are mostly mined in Africa, where there are civil wars for diamonds. It is estimated that diamonds change as many as 48 hands before reaching the final customer. Natural diamonds are often mined by slaves and even by children, and the profits from them are often used to fund wars and terrorism.

There are 54 diamond mines in the world at present and no major discoveries have been made over the last 20 years. In the mining industry, 5 large companies including De Beers, Alrosa & Rio Tinto collect about 85% of the total revenues. Diamond is an 80 billion dollar global industry now.

As per De Beer’s self-report, the cost to mine rough diamonds was USD 104 per carat in 2015, while its selling price is 8-10 times higher. The cost of growing a diamond in the laboratory is more or less the same as the cost of mining the natural diamond.

It is estimated that lab-grown diamonds will be widely accepted in the near future in the same way as cultured pearls, which have 95% market share at present. The world-wide availability of gem-quality lab grown diamonds does not exceed 4-5 million carats, out of which solitaire diamonds of more than 1 carat size are around 100,000 carats per year. This is not even 1% of the total market for solitaire diamonds.

De Beers is already producing lab-grown diamonds in the factory ‘Element Six’. Swarovski has recently launched an exclusive lab-created diamond jewelry brand ‘DIAMA” in USA.

Lab-grown diamonds presently contribute 7% to the total market for diamonds in the world.